Unlucky 13

Ladies & Gentlemen, Villains & Vermin, Degenerates & Germs!
This October 13th, Marquis of Vaudeville, along with Knotwright Lane Records & The Church, present a haunted helter-skelter happening (18+): ~Unlucky 13~ is a chance for you to do all the careless, calamitous things you always wished you could do without consequence, yet were too afraid of the returning wake. Defy superstition & haphazardly throw caution to the wind, yet beware the shadows, for what do we know? Don’t let the ne'er-do-wells & naysayers dissuade you from your devil-may-care destiny. The thought behind this spectacle is to collectively generate so much bad luck defying superstition that we flip it to good. After all, the world is in such an awfully unfortunate state, what could it hurt? So, come one, come all darers, dreamers, misfits, misteriosos, oddlings, outsiders, eccentrics, & otherwise extraordinary strange folk to an unnatural night filled with fortune tellers, freaks, theatre, dance, devils, mystery, music, & magic. Stroll beneath ladders so crooked & tall Employ tattered umbrellas within four walls Still your feet to let the black cat pass Then crack your reflection in the looking glass. ~This will also be Marquis of Vaudeville’s local CD release for their highly anticipated upcoming album: ‘The Tragic Valentine’~ FEATURING! ~The Ethereal Escapades of Emma D'lemma & Her Cryptic Cube of Curiosity~ ~The Astounding Sideshow Astonishments & Startlements of Objet D'art, Jai L'bait~ ~The Curious Carnival Capers & Dauntless Daredevil Deeds of Arty Dodger~ ~The Mesmerizing & Mystifying Aerial Maneuvers of Tiffany Diamond~ ~The Enchanting & Utterly Entrancing Dance of Maitreya Devi~ ~Marquis of Vaudeville’s Musical Menagerie of Melodic Mischief~ *Osho Zen Tarot readings by Leroy Roper / *Native American Medicine Tarot by Tiffany Diamond Lady Tragedy, who prefers the nom de plume, Miss Fortuna, will walk among us dark & grim, as will her smirking counterpart, Comedy, mischievous descendant of Loki. MORE ACTS TO BE ANNOUNCED!
Early bird tickets are available now: unlucky13.eventbrite.com
Until next time,
Marquis Of Vaudeville